Custom White Balance

Color accuracy can elevate your photography from good to great. While automatic settings are quick, they might not nail the white balance in tricky lighting. That?s where custom white balance steps in, offering precision where presets can?t.

Custom White Balance Explained

Custom white balance is your go-to tool for color fidelity. It's like teaching your camera to see the light exactly as it is, using a reference like a gray card. It's a bit like calibrating your camera to the current light environment.

Custom vs. Preset White Balance

Presets are the camera's best guess for common lighting situations, but they're not foolproof. Custom settings, though, are tailored by you, for your exact light, which is invaluable for mixed lighting or when accuracy is critical.

How to Set Custom White Balance

  1. Place a neutral reference, like a gray card, in the same light as your subject.
  2. Through your camera's menu, find and select 'Custom White Balance.'
  3. Photograph the card so it fills the frame, making sure the image is well-exposed.
  4. Set this photo as your reference for white balance in the same menu.
  5. Switch your camera's white balance setting to 'Custom' to activate it.

It?s a simple process once you get the hang of it, and it can make a world of difference in your photos.

Remember to Update Your Custom White Balance

Changing light means updating your custom setting. It's a quick fix for consistently accurate colors.


Mastering custom white balance isn't just for pros. Anyone can learn it, and it?s a surefire way to enhance the look of your photos. Don't shy away from experimenting with it; it's easier than you think and the results speak for themselves.