Lensora.com - FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Below are some frequently asked questions with answers.

How do I know that all information shown on Lensora is correct?

We have to the best of our ability collected facts and specifications on which we have written all articles and pages. Lensora takes no responsibility for the information presented on the site. If you are unsure of lens specifications or properties, we recommend that you contact the manufacturer or the current store before you purchase it. If it is evident that Lensora has provided inaccurate information, we are grateful if you inform us immediately.

I miss a certain lens or camera on Lensora?

We have tried to include as many lenses as possible, but in case we have missed a certain lens please get in touch with us and we will put it up as soon as possible if all necessary information is available.

Why do I only see lenses for Canon, Nikon, Sony and Fujifilm cameras?

Canon, Nikon, Sony and Fujifilm are the four largest players on the DSLR/mirrorless camera market today, which means that most of our visitors have cameras and lenses from these three manufacturers. Lensora has chosen, at least for now, to focus on these manufacturers.

Why do you not have an article about X, Y, and Z?

We might have failed to cover an area in the huge world of lenses. Do you have any requests or maybe even want to contribute with text material - do not hesitate to contact us.
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Can I link to Lensora from my own page or blog?

Please, go ahead and link to Lensora - that would be great! Thank you!

My company would like to appear on Lensora, how do I do?

If you and your company would like to partner up with us at Lensora, you should contact us and we will get back to you with suggestions for ways of working together.
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